Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I won a frickin' giveaway!!

I am just about excited as all hell because I won a frickin' giveaway!!*  No, but really.  I totally did win.  This, after I was telling my friend just yesterday that I never win any of the giveaways I enter.  Free shit rocks, especially when it's cool free shit.  Those polishes in the new Ninja Polish Facets Collection look interesting and I can't wait to try them out.  Thanks so much, Rhonni!

*It's kinda like when the name of the movie is mentioned in the movie, huh?


  1. YAY! I finally won one like a month ago, it's awesome!

    1. I saw that! Winning is the best. I can totally see why Charlie Sheen raved about it so much.
